
Teaser from “Stand Alone”

I haven’t blogged anything since last Teaser Tuesday! I have been busy with Camp Nano, and life has been very disrupted by my son’s football schedule (which is pretty much 2.5 hours every day of the week…) I was toying with whether to skip the teaser this week, and jump into my NaNo novel (now over 33,000 words), but I decided to take just a couple minutes anyway.

Teaser from “Stand Alone”

Tattooed Teardrops

I just finished the first draft of a new YA novel, “Tattooed Teardrops” tonight. This is a book that I started on a while ago, seat of the pants, no plot or outline. Unfortunately, I got stuck writing backstory and didn’t know where the main book was going. So I sat down in December and worked through the Snowflake Method to get a basic plot outlined, set up a beat sheet with the main action, and dove back into it, much more excited! I aimed to get it done by the end of January, at a casual pace, but it came together a bit more quickly than that!

Tattooed Teardrops

Deviation, Breaking the Pattern #1

(Book #1) Everyone knew that he was a good guy; geeky, responsible, hard-working.ย  Henry has had a lot to deal with in the past.ย  Now, as he should be focusing on his schooling and preparing himself for the future, he is hindered by abuse, the challenge of raising his baby brother while dealing with his motherโ€™s deep depressions, and the return of a ghost from the past Henry has tried his best to forget.

Deviation, Breaking the Pattern #1

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