
Reader recommendations

If you hang out around here, you’ll see some of the books that I’m reading on at least a weekly basis, along with a quote and what I think about it. I read several books a week, so I don’t report on each one, but I pick my current read, my most favourite or most interesting recent read, and say a few words about it.ย 

Reader recommendations

Five Characters I Love to Hate

Last time, I wrote Five Characters I Love. This time, I will change it up and tell you the Characters I Love to Hate.

Before I get into my list, I thought I would give you an insight on why I picked them. I have a hard time with people who manipulate children into thinking they’re in control when in reality, they’re just doing what the person wants them to do. Nothing seems to get my dander up more than people taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Five Characters I Love to Hate

Review of Proxy, Medical Kidnap Files #3

Meet Seth Wilcox, a typical fourteen-year-old boy who wants to get better. Nothing more or less; Seth has spent most of his days in the hospital.

Seth wants to be happy, but how can he be happy, when he is constantly feeling ill? Seth lands in hospital once again, and Social Services becomes suspicious of the situation. When a child is consistently in the hospital, it raises a red flag.

Review of Proxy, Medical Kidnap Files #3

World Book Day! A review of EDS, Medical Kidnap Files #2

Today is World Book Day, and as Iโ€™ve done a couple of times, I thought I would post a review of one of my wifeโ€™s recent books, EDS, Medical Kidnap Files #2. You can find a review of book #1 of the series here.

Once you meet Katt, youโ€™ll never forget her. She has a way about her. That is because the only people who seem to meet her are in the medical field. And they appear to get to know her too well.

World Book Day! A review of EDS, Medical Kidnap Files #2 Read More ยป

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