Excerpt from Panthers Play for Keeps

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I am listening to Panthers Play for Keeps, by Clea Simon. I have previously read Parrots Prove Deadly. Both are part of the Pru Marlowe series. Pru is a dog walker/animal psychic who stumbles across dead bodies much like Jessica Fletcher in Murder She Wrote. A light, enjoyable series.

I honestly did have a job to do, and once again I was reminded of why I prefer animals. They’re direct. Honest. If they have an agenda, they let you know right away. Even if that involves eating you for lunch. Once they pounce, they don’t try to make small talk.

Clea Simon, Panthers Play for Keeps


When Pru Marlowe takes a dog for a walk, she doesn’t expect to find a body. But Spot, a service dog in training, has too good a nose not to lead her to the mangled body of a young woman. Despite her own best instincts, Pru can’t avoid getting involved.

The young woman seems to have been mauled by a wild cat—and Pru knows there have been no pumas in the Berkshire woods for years. Wallis, Pru’s curmudgeonly tabby, seems fixated on the idea of a killer cat, but Spot suggests that the violent death was something more than a tragic animal attack.

As motives multiply, a cougar of a different sort sets her eyes on Pru’s sometime lover, and another woman disappears. With panther panic growing, Pru may have to put aside her own issues—and her own ideas of domesticity—to solve a savage mystery.

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