I have recently embarked upon a new venture!
Apparently writing a 125,000 novel during November for NaNoWriMo was not enough to keep me busy. I also moved forward on a new plan to publish classic novels with hand-crafted, value-added content just for you.
I am currently working on two streams, Workman Classic Schoolbooks and Workman Family Classics. You can find out about their selection and features here or by clicking “Buy Classics” on the menu bar.
What have I worked on so far?
Dave Dashaway the Young Aviator is the first book in the Dave Dashaway series, a little-known series put out by the same publishing house as the Hardy Boys, Bobbsey Twins, Rover Boys, and many more highly successful children’s books. The other four books in the series will be coming! My Workman Classic Schoolbooks edition includes vocabularly exercises, comprehension questions, discussion questions suitable for a book club, class, or family, extension activities, and more. Workman Classic Schoolbooks are a great resource for homeschooling families, and Dave Dashaway is an adventure of particular interest to busy boys.
I have also published A Christmas Carol and The Life of Our Lord, two books by Charles Dickens, as Advent readers just in time for the Christmas holiday. Each is divided into twenty-four bite-sized readings so that you can start reading them with your famiy on December 1 and finish on Christmas Eve. Each day’s reading includes a scripture and an open-ended discussion question to get talking with your kids, spouse, or book club. Extension activites are included in the back.
While you can get both of these Advent readers separately, you can save money and get both of them in the Dickens Advent Reader. (Available in Kindle or paperback.) Order now, and you will have it in time to start reading these timeless Christmas classics with your family on December 1.