Launch Day: Questing for a Dream

IMG_3249It really surprises me how I can feel so differently from one book release to another. Some of them I am pretty ‘chill’ about or am just happy to finally get done.

Then there are others that I anticipate with real excitement, and can’t wait to share with the world! Sometimes I am so in love with a cover that I just can’t wait to hold the paperback in my hands.

In case you haven’t already guessed, I am really excited to announce the release of Questing for a Dream to the world!

A teacher-librarian that I know (hi Dale!) suggested that there was a dearth of books on the marginalization of Canadian Aboriginal teens and perhaps I could do something about that… I already had several ideas in my Story Clip File that were appropriate, so I started to pull them together and brainstorm about a plot. I did a ton of research to become familiar with my subject matter and a couple of months later, wrote out my first draft. I also produced this infographic (please give it a few minutes to load.)

While asking an author to pick which one of her books is her best is sort of like asking a mother to pick which of her children she loves the most, I have to say that Questing for a Dream is certainly one of my favourites!

The cover was a challenge! I went through roughly 15 designs before I finally found this photograph and negotiated a license with the photographer. It is so gorgeous! I’m so glad I persisted until I found just the right picture.

Readers of my Advance Reader Copies blew me away with their praise. They really are loving this book! So now it’s your turn! Hop on over to Amazon to one-click your way to a Kindle copy or order the paperback (or if you are local, drop me a line to get an autographed copy and save yourself some shipping.)

Read more about Questing for a Dream below

Nadie is a bright but rebellious teen growing up Manitoba Cree. Living in abject poverty, she tries to help care for the younger children in the band. Devastated by the drowning death of her little cousin and unable to overcome her grief, Nadie leaves the band.

How can she find her own place in a foreign world where she is abused and discriminated against, and for the first time in her life, completely alone?

By the author of the award-winning Ruby, Between the Cracks, this engaging and unforgettable story of Nadie’s journey to find a place in the world amidst heartache and hopelessness will inspire you to face your challenges with courage and become a happier and stronger person.

Praise for Questing for a Dream

“Brilliant masterpiece.”

“P.D. Workman’s skilled narrative of Nadie and her poignant journey to wholeness is a thoughtful exposé of shattered dreams and tragic youth sure to resonate with every reader.”

“An inspiring book which can encourage the reader to face the challenges in life’s journey and to accept the lessons that come as a result.”

Praise for P.D. Workman

“Every single one of [P.D. Workman’s] books has spoken to me in ways no one or almost anything else has. And I have found strength in the books I’ve read.”

“The way that P.D. Workman writes just flows amazingly and allows the reader to get really invested in a book.”



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