It’s Camp Nanowrimo Time Again

Nanowrimo Comparison Chart

National Novel Writing month comes only once a year, but you can always join Camp Nano in April and July too. If November is not good for you (the month before Christmas… some people are rather busy) or if you want to write several books during the year, then it’s a great way to connect with other likeminded writers and join in the camaraderie.

I really enjoy those three months when there are other crazy people doing what I do, writing a novel in a month. People I can talk to about it who don’t just roll their eyes and think that I’m nuts. Or doing something impossible.

For July 2022 Camp Nanowrimo, I am working on book #6 in the Kenzie Kirsch Medical Examiner series, tentatively titled Posed for Death.

Chronologically, this book will come after book #13 in the Zachary Goldman Private Investigator series, They Came for Him.

Getting old shouldn’t be a death sentence

Kenzie thought she had a pretty good understanding of aging and elder care. She was a medical professional, after all. But when her postmortem findings cause her to look more deeply into the sometimes dark world of elder care, she is forced to reconsider.

When she starts asking questions about legislation and regulation, things get nasty.

Kenzie could just do what she’s told and stop asking questions.

But when was the last time she did that?

️ P.D. Workman never fails to deliver an intriguing mystery with plenty of thrills, drama, and unexpected twists that will hold your attention from start to finish. The characters are believable, with flaws and attributes that will endear them to the reader. The stories always have, at their heart, socially relevant topics that are explored with compassion, intelligence, and dignity.

If you are a reader of the Zachary Goldman Mysteries series, you have already met Kenzie Kirsch. This series is a spinoff from Zachary Goldman Mysteries, giving Kenzie a front-and-center position in solving medical mysteries.

Looking for a strong female lead in an engaging medical mystery? Award-winning and USA Today Bestselling Author P.D. Workman brings you an up-and-coming Medical Examiner’s Assistant who is right up your alley.

Join Dr. Kenzie Kirsch as she uncovers mysteries, conspiracies, and thrills!

Tell me what you think!

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