As the Christmas season begins, my thoughts go to those who won’t be with their families this Christmas. Kids who are homeless, who have been kicked out or made poor choices, feel especially lonely and abandoned at this time of year. Let’s make their year a little brighter, if we can.
My donee of choice is Avenue 15, run by the Boys and Girls Club of Calgary. Avenue 15 is a well-established shelter that has been around since before I was a teenager. Here is a video about them.
Click the PayPal button below or send a PayPal or etransfer to and I will send you an ebook copy of the Dickens Advent Reader (containing both A Christmas Carol and The Life of Our Lord divided into 24 bite-sized readings for the season.) 100% of the money I collect will be sent to Avenue 15, either by cheque or by purchasing gifts or hygiene items needed by the shelter.
Together, let’s try to make things a little better for someone less fortunate this year.
*This is not an official fundraiser of Boys and Girls Club of Calgary and is not endorsed by them. But 100% of the proceeds will be sent to them. Your email address will be added to my mailing list so that you will be notified of future releases and promotions, if you are not already on it.
For any of you who are in Calgary, if you want to donate any of the following items, get them to me and I will see that they get to the shelter: