I have decided to start a (hopefully) regular feature on books that have grabbed my attention in the last week (or however long it has been since I got the last feature up). These will not be books that I have already read, though a few of them might be. They will be books that I have seen and added to my TBR list, looked up on Amazon, loved the cover of, etc. Just a quick run-through of what has gotten my attention, so you can have a look too.
Click on a cover to jump to it on Amazon.
Added to my To Be Read list/Downloaded on my iPhone:
I almost didn’t get Cold River Rising because the cover looks amateur. But the story sounded so intriguing and I liked the reviews, so I downloaded it.
Downloaded Safety Valve to my hubby’s Kindle account because it is a football book. He likes football.
To Catch a Bad Guy has an unbelievably cute cover that I couldn’t resist. And I love a good cozy mystery. When I clicked through, I saw that I already downloaded this one in June and haven’t read it yet. I think I’ll be reading it very soon!
I previously read Parrots Prove Deadly, another Pru Marlowe, and quite enjoyed that cozy mystery. I clicked on the Panthers Play for Keeps cover before I even realized that it was another in the series, and when I saw it was, that just clinched it.
Max Brand is a classic western author and every book of his is good. So I added Out of the Wilderness to my Overdrive reading list.
I quite enjoyed the last Jack Reacher novel I read, so I added Personal to my Overdrive list as well.
Carolyn Hart is a well-known author, and I recently read Death in Paradise, a Henrie O mystery, so Ghost Wanted went onto my Overdrive list as well. The cover and the description are very intriguing.
What can I say, I love cats and cozies? Final Catcall looked cute.

Who can say no to Agatha Christie? It’s been a long time since I read a Tommy and Tuppence, so Partners in Crime is my next Overdrive read.
I have previously posted about Nick Stephenson’s Wanted; but what you may not know is that he is a generous author that helps the writer community with marketing and visibility. I’m currently doing his free course, reading about him on Joanna Penn’s blog, and of course, downloading the non-fiction Reader Magnets.
Looked at on Amazon:
Here is another of Nick Stephenson’s books, Supercharge Your Kindle Sales.
I have mentioned Simon Whistler’s podcast, Rocking Self Publishing, on a couple of other posts. A super-helpful podcast for authors. If that says anything about his ability to write Audiobooks for Indies, it should be a great read.
Loved the cover for First Strike. Took a peek on Amazon.
I’ve mentioned Randy Ingermanson and his fiction and nonfiction writing before. The Snowflake Method is a great outline/book preparation method for fiction books.
There is a popular book out named Shattered right now. I don’t think this is it. But there are a number of books with the same title and I didn’t take any longer to check them out.
Liked the cover: