Flash sale on Night of Nine Tails! The fourth book in the Reg Rawlins, Psychic Investigator series is free for a limited time. Pick it up now, this sale won’t last.

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Reg climbed out of bed, the dread from her nightmare still squeezing her heart so tightly it hurt.
Reg recognizes that feeling of dread.
Something is disrupting the spiritual atmosphere in Black Sands, but no one else seems to be aware of its menacing presence. So Reg does her best to push it to the back of her conscious mind and to focus on new friendships and opportunities. She has been in Florida for long enough that it’s time to have some fun.
But ignoring the presence doesn’t make it go away, and before long, Reg has been dragged into a manhunt—or a creature hunt—that is scarier than anything she has faced in the paranormal community yet.
With the help of some long-buried memories and unexpected helpers, Reg is able to find a few answers… and a lot more questions.
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