June & Justin, the eagerly-awaited sequel to the award winning Ruby, Between the Cracks, is now available for purchase! It was on my production schedule for earlier in the year, but I need to remember how long it takes my beta readers and editors to review such a long book. (I have already updated my production schedule for book 3, Michelle, to take that into account…)
Currently, you can find it on Amazon (paperback and Kindle), and I will be distributing to the other major vendors soon.
For those of you who are Wattpad followers (where Ruby is just a shade under 100,000 reads today!), I have decided to serialize June & Justin on Wattpad. One chapter per week. Though of course, I’ll release two chapters this week, because you’ve already read the first as a sneak-peek in Ruby.
Justin had made a mistake. A big, life-changing mistake.
He already failed June once. He wasn’t there when she needed him, and because of him, their lives will never be the same. June is everything to Justin, and he must be everything to her. He must protect June at all costs. Justin is prepared spend the rest of his life keeping her from getting hurt again.
But it seems they are always falling behind, barely keeping one step ahead of the nightmares.
There is always one more hazard, just around the corner.
—A heartbreaking and intense story of the journey of two children to find themselves and happiness.
—Is it possible to rise above your circumstances when you already have two strikes against you? That is the question facing June and Justin, children thrust into circumstances that would defeat many adults. Can they ever hope to live happy, normal lives?