Writing for Camp Nanowrimo

tick nano coverOriginally blogged July 2015

As usual, I have joined up with Camp Nanowrimo, a July event run by the Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) guys. That’s my cover concept mock-up to the left. I have done both April and July camps the last couple of years, as well as the big event, Nanowrimo in November. The usual goal is to write a 50,000 word novel draft in a month. I usually go for around 100,000, since that’s the length of most of my novels. Nano provides some great support and excitement around novel-writing, and I love a reason to set aside one month to make writing a higher priority and to get a new work drafted.

In honor of Nano, here are some of my posts on Camp Nano or Nanowrimo, and a couple just on writing.

Preparing for Camp NaNo

Packing for Camp NaNo 

Camp NaNo begins!

10 Steps to NaNoWriMo; Tips, Tricks, and Resources

When do you find time to write?

Five Great Self Publishing Resources

Nanowrimo Comparison Chart

1 thought on “Writing for Camp Nanowrimo”

  1. Pingback: Camp NaNoWriMo, Day 5 | The Claire Violet Thorpe Express

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