Reader recommendations

Recommending books to friends

If you hang out around here, you’ll see some of the books that I’m reading on at least a weekly basis, along with a quote and what I think about it. I read several books a week, so I don’t report on each one, but I pick my current read, my most favourite or most interesting recent read, and say a few words about it.

This week I was reading an article on BookBub on How Readers Discover New Books to Buy. BookBub’s stats show that 77% of readers buy books based on recommendations from friends and family:

So if you want to support authors whose books you enjoy, tell your family and friends about them! Reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub and other sites, as well as social media like Facebook and Twitter are also important and provide social proof that influences people in their book buying decisions (and are very much appreciated by authors,) but they don’t carry anywhere near the weight of a targetted recommendation to a friend or family member that you think will enjoy the book.

So if you love a book, don’t forget to spread that love!

Another recommendation

A little while back, I joined a business network called Alignable at the request of a family member. Lately, the bots at Alignable have been bugging me to get recommendations from customers to complete my profile. Since I don’t have many local customers, I’ve been ignoring those prompts. But it occurred to me this week that some of you may be members of Alignable. If you would like to recommend my books to others on Alignable, you can find my profile here.

Tell me what you think!

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