Packing for Camp NaNo

Oh the crazy weeks before Camp NaNo! Trying to clear the decks before the writing starts:

  • One novel hopefully to be released before the end of the month (Diversion)
  • Another out to beta readers now (Tattooed Teardrops)
  • Rewriting one of my older novels, which needs lots of work: cutting out the deadwood, incorporating a new storyline, and trying to sort out a new ending (tentatively “Black Rider”). I don’t think the rewrite will be done before Camp NaNo.
  • Editing NaNo novel from a couple of years ago (Lion Within)

cynthia kindle coverAnd, of course, I have started on a mindmap/outline and research for the novel I will start writing July 1! Tentatively titled “Cynthia has a Secret”, the storyline is starting to coalesce and I am getting quite excited about writing it! Here is a first run at a cover concept.

There is still lots of work to do before starting (check out my process in a previous article). I have characters to flesh out, outlining to do, logline, and some more research. As of today, my Evernote notebook for Cynthia has 31 notes in it, as well as a checklist of issues in my todo list, and the mindmap has about 72 nodes on it.

If you are a writer doing Camp NaNo, search me out on the website under username pdw.


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