Happy Father’s Day!

In the Tick of Time is on sale on Kobo for their Father’s Day sale June 14-20.

Do things with lots of legs creep you out? This may not be the book for you…

Matt Malloy, infectious diseases expert for the DOH vector-borne disease division, knew there was something wrong with the Buffalo Head infection cluster as soon as it hit his desk. But knowing it instinctively and proving it were two completely different things, especially when his boss and coworkers already suspected that, battling sleep deprivation, he’d already gone around the bend.

Matt knew that solving the mysteries of the Buffalo Head cluster was a matter of life and death. He just didn’t know that it could be a matter of his life and death.

It could happen to you. Maybe it already has.

In the Tick of Time will leave your skin crawling every time you hike through the woods or long grass, long after you have finished reading it. A well-crafted suspense novel that will take you into the psyche of both the flawed investigator and slightly-deranged perpetrator. You will look at your coworkers differently after this.

And don’t forget that Gluten-Free Murder and Ruby, Between the Cracks are free at the Kobo store for a limited time.

Tell me what you think!

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