Excerpt from If I Stay

If you missed my Christmas books post last week, be sure to have a look and share your most favourite Christmas stories with me.

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme. Read the rules and more teasers at The Purple Booker. Anyone can play along.

I haven’t posted about a young adult book lately, so I am pleased to bring you an excerpt from Gayle Forman’s If I Stay. I hadn’t read the blurb before starting this book, I just knew it was Gayle Forman and a popular book and movie. It’s definitely a little more interesting if you pick it up without knowing the premise, so decide whether you want to know or not before reading the blurb at the bottom! Gayle Forman is such a great writer of impactful YA.

I concentrate on the notes, imagining myself playing, feeling grateful for this chance to practice, happy to be in a warm car with my sonata and my family. I close my eyes.

Gayle Forman, If I Stay

In the blink of an eye everything changes. Seventeen year-old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall what happened afterwards, watching her own damaged body being taken from the wreck. Little by little she struggles to put together the pieces—to figure out what she has lost, what she has left, and the very difficult choice she must make. Heartwrenchingly beautiful, this will change the way you look at life, love, and family. 

Tell me what you think!

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