Preparing for Camp NaNo

Well, it is that time of year again! Yes, I know, I just finished running my own personal little NaNo in February (along with a few friends who joined me), but the real Camp NaNo runs in April, and I am getting ramped up for my next book. I have set up a private cabin for Camp NaNo this year so that I can invite friends to my cabin. Who wants to join me?

The inspiration for my April novel, Questing for a Dream (working title,) came from my favorite teacher-librarian in BC, who is looking for a book on the marginalization of aboriginal youth in Canada to share with his students.

dream nano cover2
– Rough outline and research: done (well, a bit more research to do…)
– Character sketches and casting: done
– Working title and concept cover: done

Now I just need to finish rewriting an old manuscript before April arrives. And hopefully get both June and Justin and Cynthia has a Secret out for your reading enjoyment!


Tell me what you think!

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